Respecting Others

Respecting Others

1.   Explain to your students that they should respect everyone, including those they do not know or do not like. Good manners are a sign of that respect.
2.   People who practice good manners demonstrate that they are intelligent, well bred, and not self-centered. They also send out signals that they want to be part of the group.

3.   People with bad manners act as if they are the only people in the world. They might think they are being “cool,” but in reality people just laugh at them.

4.   People who are polite indicate that they are self-confident and not afraid to be considerate of others.
5.   Give your student some examples of good manners:

    a)   Look people in the eye when talking to them.

    b)   Shake hands firmly and grip the whole hand when greeting someone.

    c)   Learn how to make proper introductions.

    d)   Learn to dress for the occasion. Dress for respect and not attention.

    e)   Men should not wear hats inside a building.

    f)    Keep you voice down and try never to interrupt when someone is speaking.

    g)   Greet people by saying “hello,” and “how are you?” If someone asks, “How are you?” respond by saying “Fine, thank-you, and you?”

    h)   Learn to say ‘please’ and ‘thank-you.’

    i)    Never make fun of someone’s shortcomings.

    j)    Never talk behind someone’s back. It is rude and shows cowardice.

    k)   Brush teeth, comb hair, and take a bath or shower everyday.

    l)    When eating never begin until everyone is served and be sure that everyone has had enough before taking seconds.


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