- Definition: The habit of being on time.
- Student should be able to understand and explain the importance of being on time
Student Mentor Discussion
- Time is a valuable commodity. Once lost, it is lost forever and can never be recovered. Everyone can accomplish a lot more if they learn to use their time correctly.
- What does it mean to be on time?
- Getting to an event on or before it starts allows you to have time to relax and set up before you begin.
- Getting to class or your job on time means you want to do a good job.
- The first step is always the hardest, being on time makes that step easier
- Being on time is a sign of respect.
- Being on time allows you to have the maximum opportunity to complete your mission
- Being late is a waste of time and is often considered rude
- Punctuality implies the following virtues
- Punctual people are usually well organized
- Punctual people are responsible
- Punctual people respect others
- Punctual people respect themselves because they place a value on their time.
Group Discussion
- Students and mentors should discuss the importance of using time well
- Mentors should talk about an experience where they were hurt (or disappointed) by someone being late, and then ask the student to do the same
- How can you guard against being late?
- Always try to arrive a little early
- This will usually mean leaving early
- Allow for unexpected problems like traffic jams
- Plan a head
- Know where you need to go next
- Know how you are going get there
- Are there any additional stops you have to make (store, locker, etc)?
- Know what you need to bring with you
- Never make excuses for being late, it only makes you look worse
Program Director Summary
- Being punctual demonstrates that you are a responsible person who respects themselves and others.
- Walk away line: “Be on Time”
More on Punctuality
1. Punctuality means being on time. Ask your student if they are on time to school.
2. Explain to your student that it is always good to be on time, whether it’s for school, church, mentoring, or other special events. Lack of punctuality is a distraction. Advise your student to allow enough time to get to places a little early in case unforeseen circumstances cause delay.
3. Punctuality is another sign of order. Time is a valuable commodity because every moment comes only once and can never be repeated. We should always value it and plan to use each and every moment of our lives well. A moment wasted is a moment lost for eternity.
4. Most people could do a lot more if they only planned their time better. So often, we simply let things happen instead of taking control of our live. Successful people learn how to look a head and plan things in way that allows them to do more lately.
5. Promptness is a sign of respect and demonstrates responsibility. Even if we do not value our time, others do. When we are on time for something we are saying that we care about the other person and value their time. Conversely, if we are late we are saying we do not care about them.
6. Advise you student that if he/she knows he/she is going to be late or absent from school or an event such as the mentoring program, it is courteous to call the school and let the administration know.