Objective: The students should be able to define Industriousness and to give real life examples of how they can practice it.
Notes for Mentor-Student discussion
Industriousness involves the willingness to work. Industrious people demonstrate the following characteristics:
They hate to waste time at meaningless tasks
They look for opportunities to make things better
Once an assignment is completed they do not wait to be told to start something else.
They always seem to have something to do and they try to do everything well.
Industrious people are very attractive to employers and are usually the first ones to be promoted.
Industrious people use there time well
Industrious people normally learn more than their peers
Either the student or mentor should give an example of how hard work and the good use of time allowed someone to accomplish a difficult task.
Notes for general group discussion
What does Industriousness mean?
How could the virtue of industrialness be applied in the following areas:
Work at school
Summary points
Industriousness is best stated as the willingness to work hard. People who look for challenges usually find them first and obtain not only personal satisfaction but also respect from bosses and peers.